
札幌ススキノ ホテルLET's 202 頭切断事件

 札幌ススキノ ホテルLET's 202 頭切断 斬首事件

ススキノ切断遺体 車を押収 逮捕親子が送迎に使ったか

2023年7月26日 8時18分 



今月2日、札幌市中央区にあるホテルの客室で北海道 恵庭市に住む62歳の男性が頭部を切断され死亡しているのが見つかった事件では、札幌市厚別区の職業不詳、田村瑠奈容疑者(29)とその父親で医師の田村修容疑者(59)、母親でパート従業員の田村浩子容疑者(60)の親子3人が死体遺棄や損壊などの疑いで逮捕されました。












Making Weed Oil Without Blowing Up Your Home | BLACK MARKET



The Drug That Makes You Reek of Cat Piss | The War on Drugs


  • 猫の小便が出る薬|薬物との闘い


In the late 2000s, a global cocaine and ecstasy drought led to the rise of a new drug that changed the way people get high forever: Mephedrone. Legal, dirt cheap and as easy to order online as pizza, for a while mephedrone boomed in countries worldwide. Within a few years, it had been outlawed almost everywhere, but not before introducing a generation to the online drugs market – where narcotic oblivion is only ever a few clicks away. In The War On Drugs Show, we examine the social implications of prohibition worldwide. Any attempt to shut down the trade in drugs such as heroin, cocaine, ecstasy, ketamine or weed invariably sets off a chain of events that just makes things worse, leaving a trail of death, illness, violence, slavery, addiction, crime and inequality across the globe. Everyone loses – except, in a weird kind of way, the drugs themselves. Watch more episodes from the series: Ketamine: The Next Big Antidepressant    • Ketamine Explaine...   ‘Spice’ is Britain’s Most Dangerous Drug    • ‘Spice’ is Britai...   The Great MDMA Drought and Its Deadly Consequences    • The Great MDMA Dr...   Why Portugal Decriminalized All Drugs    • Why Portugal Decr...   Click here to subscribe to VICE: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-VICE About VICE: The Definitive Guide To Enlightening Information. From every corner of the planet, our immersive, caustic, ground-breaking and often bizarre stories have changed the way people think about culture, crime, art, parties, fashion, protest, the internet and other subjects that don't even have names yet. Browse the growing library and discover corners of the world you never knew existed. Welcome to VICE. Connect with VICE: Check out our full video catalog: http://bit.ly/VICE-Videos Videos, daily editorial and more: http://vice.com More videos from the VICE network: https://www.fb.com/vicevideo Click here to get the best of VICE daily: http://bit.ly/1SquZ6v Like VICE on Facebook: http://fb.com/vice Follow VICE on Twitter: http://twitter.com/vice Follow us on Instagram: http://instagram.com/vice The VICE YouTube Network: VICE:    / vice   MUNCHIES:    / munchies   VICE News:    / vicenews   VICELAND:    / vicelandtv   Broadly:    / broadly   Noisey:    / noisey   Motherboard:    / motherboardtv   VICE Sports:    / noc   i-D:    / idmagazine   Waypoint:    / waypointvice